One hundred and fifty-two years ago, ten earnest women conceived the idea of a secret society of women to seek the highest ideals of womanhood and unite under a solemn pledge to lend a helping hand to one another. Alpha Phis are members of a lifelong sisterhood, a woman’s fraternity. Our keystone is friendship- warm, simple, and sincere. In Alpha Phi there is encouragement, understanding, and opportunities to grow.
Alpha Phi International Fraternity is a membership organization dedicated to promoting sisterhood, cultivating leadership, encouraging intellectual curiosity, and advocating service. With more than 200,000 members at 164 collegiate campuses around the United States and Canada- our sisterhood knows no bounds.
Alpha Phi is the oldest sorority in Santa Clara, installed in 1976. Since then we have boasted incredible pledge classes of well-rounded, caring, and fun-loving young women. Our members hail from every corner of campus and walk of life, but we are all united in the Alpha Phi values and traditions. Our sisterhood is authentic and eternal. Alpha Phi has six core values: Sisterhood, Scholarship, Leadership, Loyalty, Service, and Character development.